I am now back from the frozen North, such a beautiful way to spend Christmas and I hope that you had a special Christmas too. I have to say I was very, very glad of the warm soft scarves that I packed – when you are sipping crowberry juice whilst sitting on an ice seat in a snow hotel with the huskies baying in the snow outside, a nice bit of cashmere is very welcome!
I will be in the Shambles in the shop tomorrow, Monday 3rd January and then Wed. 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th Saturday 8th and then each week except on Sunday and Monday when I am closed. As usual I will pop any changes on the slate outside the shop and do call or email me if you need something urgently, happy to chat!
Father Christmas gave me some wonderful books on the history of the Kashmir shawl which I have been diving into with great interest. I can see that some of my traditional designs follow exactly patterns that have been used for hundreds of years and I am learning lots of fascinating things – I will have the books in the shop for anyone who is interested in taking a look, along with lots of photos of India. Sadly my February trip is on hold due to Covid (again, sigh) but at least parcels are arriving and there are lots of new and gorgeous items on their way!

so pretty and so beautiful